Senior Care: Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a meaningful holiday for families and is a time to unwind and spend time with loved ones. However, this festive period can also be a source of stress for seniors, especially with regard to their health. Changes in routine, diet, and schedule can affect their overall well-being. As senior care providers in Orange County, California, we will share tips for planning a healthy celebration with older adults:

  • Stick to an established schedule.

    A certified caregiver can help seniors create a holiday schedule and stick to it. Their schedule should include specific times for rest, exercise, and taking their medications. At the height of the holiday season, medications can be easily forgotten. A caregiver can help seniors keep track of their medications to ensure they are taken on time and in the right amount.

  • Provide healthy meals and snacks.

    Thanksgiving favorites can be easily adjusted to make them healthier. Turkey, with nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits for snacks or desserts, is an excellent meal option for seniors. A caregiver can assist with grocery shopping and meal planning to manage chronic conditions in seniors.

  • Take frequent breaks to rest.

    The excitement of the season can make seniors become too active without realizing it. In addition to arranging transportation, caregivers can schedule frequent breaks to help seniors rest and recover their energy. Family members can also plan less strenuous activities like playing board games or watching movies together.

Care Art Homecare is an established provider of client-centered home care services. If you are looking for a caregiver or certified nursing assistant in California, we can meet your in-home care needs. Get in touch with us for more details.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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